The JL-2V banknote counter and sorter is a fast, high-quality machine. Its smooth, quiet and user-friendly operation ensures that it is one of the most reliable banknote counters available on the market. Its 4 pick-up roller system ensure it handles the large window of the next generation banknotes with ease, and its imaging sensor puts it years ahead of other products on the market.
Value count/sort mixed banknotes
Dual CIS (contact image sensor) for the highest detection of banknotes
High speed - Up to 1200 notes per minute
4.3 inch full-colour LCD
Quick-change buttons
User-adjustable batching
Modular structure for easy maintenance
Compact design and very user-friendly interface
TITO recognition / scanning
Serial number recognition
Software program (for gaming venues)
Counterfeit Detection
Multi-currency (up to 30 currencies)
External customer display
Receipt Printer
Stacker size - 250 Banknotes Hopper Capacity - 500 Banknotes with the ability to load while running Dimensions - 285mm (W) x 310mm (D) x 285mm (H) Weight - 12kg